Monday, 4 February 2008

We had snow last Friday YAY!

Yep, it's official we had snow last friday (1st February), and me and Bear loved every minute of it. Snow makes everything look clean and fresh and it also hides a multitude of sins especially thick dirty mud! YUCK!
The first photo was taken when the snow was still falling

The second photo was taken in the early evening when the sun came out. Both pictures are taken at the back of the house.

This is my little heaven :)


  1. OMG - I want to come and live where you live - its a view to die for - you lucky thing!

  2. gorgeous photos can i come make a snowman? ;)

  3. Sian you have such lovely countryside around you - and I agree that snow makes everywhere seem so clean and also so quiet!


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Big hugs